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Category: Musings

Idle thoughts and musings that may be unconnected to anything else.


Someone stole my writing.

It’s happened once or twice before, but this time, it stung.

The “culprit” took one of my blog posts, changed the contact info and a few other personal details, and then posted it as a Facebook post. There was no attribution, no mention that they weren’t his own words. And it got shared, reposted, liked, and commented upon.

Christian Nation? Islamic State?

I tend not to get political on my business blog over at Kuk Sool Won™ of Muncie, but I might on this site. If that bothers you, feel free to skip this post.

Like most people in the world right now, I’ve been thinking a lot about problems in the Middle East and the ones here at home. The Islamic State is making a name for itself by committing and broadcasting atrocities. Here in the States, we justify our hate of anyone different from ourselves politically, religiously, and philosophically.

Realistically, problems in the world haven’t changed in the past 4000 years.