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Month: November 2013

Notes from the Shower

Originally posted as a Note on Facebook, April 30, 2009, at 3:53 pm

I don’t know about you, but I get some interesting ideas in the shower. This is what I was thinking about this morning.

We have senses that tell us about our environment. Current theories suggest that these evolved over time and were passed on because they gave the organisms that possessed them an advantage over those that didn’t.

Thoughts from the Drive Home

This was originally posted to the Notes section of my personal Facebook account on 5/12/2009

Several years ago, I was driving a young lady to an appointment. She and I were friends. Or friendly co-workers. Ex-co-workers at that point, I think.

At any rate, as we were nearing our destination, she informed me that before we got there, we needed to find a “bippy boppy.”

